Comic creators paying tribute to the loss of lives in the attack on the US

The Attack on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon has left us all in a time of crisis. We all do what we can to help the relief efforts in both Washington and New York City. Everyone should give blood or make a donation to the Red Cross in this time of need, and I encourage you to do so. But, those of us who are writers and artists, we still feel the need to do more.

And so we write.

And so we draw.

These are our tributes...


If you would like to take part in Comic-Aid, please send a link to your tribute (all tributes will be hosted off site, to save bandwith), your name, a title of your piece if it has one, and the adress of your personal page if you wish, to
Thank you all for your support, more will be added to the site as time permits.

Once you are added, please put one of these links on your site. If you would like to design a new one, feel free to send it to me.

Website design is ©2001 Dennis Kanenwisher